Chemical industry workers are exposed to a wide range of hazards in their daily work. These hazards range from toxic fumes and gases to fire and explosion risks. Chemicals can be dangerous if not handled properly and accidents can lead to serious injuries or even fatalties. As such, it is important to take safety measures seriously and ensure that workers are properly trained and equipped to handle chemicals safely.
Some of the measures that can be taken to ensure the safety of the workers are:
Provide Training – We should not assume that the workers know what to do in case there is a chemical spill. Adequate training should be provided to all new workers regarding how to safely handle the chemicals and measures that should be taken if there is any chemical accident.
Safety Equipment- All workers should be given safety gear such as goggles, respirators, and gloves which should be worn by them before entering the workspace. Negligence to wearing safety gear can result in a mishap due to exposure to chemicals. The safety gear should be kept close to the workstation so that the workers can take hold of them before starting to work.
Everything should be labelled clearly – All the chemicals should have proper labelling on them since most of them look alike. Mixing two improper chemicals together can result in a chemical hazard. Also, the MSDS of all the chemicals should be kept nearby in case there is a need to go through it during an emergency.
Emergency Equipment – Safety equipment that may be required during an emergency should be in place at the plant. Fire extinguishers should be present to prevent fire from spreading. Along with fire extinguishers, first aid kits should also be there.
Cleanliness – Keep workstations clean and organised to prevent accidents. The work area should be free from clutter as it may encourage inadvertent spills. There should be a designated storage space to store the finished stock, semi-finished stock and, extra stock of raw materials until they are required.
Uniform – Workers should be given a pair of uniforms which they should change into before starting their work. There should be a designated place for them to keep their uniforms. The labourers should be instructed to always change into their uniforms before entering the workstation and also remove their uniforms before they leave for home.
Designate a location for food and drinks – Eating and drinking near the workstation should be forbidden. A distinct location should be set up for the workers where they can eat and drink.
It is important for employers to actively implement safety measures for the workers so that their well being is not compromised and they feel safe while working.