ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 in the Chemi...
The chemical industry operates under strict regulations to ensure product quality, safety, and envir...
Posted on:
Acronyms and Abbreviations in the Ch...
The chemical industry is filled with technical jargon and abbreviations that are essential for profe...
What is Good Manufacturing Practices ...
Introduction Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are a set of regulations and guidelines designed ...
Industries that rely on chemical industr...
Introduction The chemical industry is the foundation of modern civilization, influencing every se...
Effluent Treatment Plants (ETPs) ...
1. What is ETP? An Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) is a system designed to treat industrial wastew...
Sustainable Packaging Solutions for...
In recent years, the chemical industry has increasingly focused on sustainable packaging as part o...
Understanding Key Players in the Che...
The chemical industry is vast and involves multiple stakeholders working in tandem to ensure the smo...
Stricter GMP Regulations Threaten Sur...
The upcoming enforcement of stricter Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) regulations by 2024-year end...
Building a Strong Supply Chain fo...
In today’s fast-paced industrial landscape, having a robust supply chain is crucial to maintai...
Traders vs Repackers
The differences between a trader and a repacker in the chemical industry can be highlighted across s...
The Role of Chemical Manufacturing i...
As the world increasingly recognizes the need for sustainable practices, industries across the boa...
Ammonium Acetate: A Versatile Compo...
Ammonium Acetate (CAS No 631-61-8), particularly in its LR (Laboratory Reagent) grade, is an essent...
Industries that can save up to 50% on ra...
Chelating agents are chemicals that form stable, water-soluble complexes with metal ions. They are u...
Factors affecting the prices of raw mate...
In the dynamic landscape of the chemical industry, the pricing of raw materials plays a pivotal role...
Primary Industries Using O...
LR (Laboratory Reagent) grade oxalic acid is primarily used in laboratory settings and research. Its...
Differences between Mono Ammonium Pho...
Mono Ammonium Phosphate (MAP) Di Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) ...
Understanding the Difference Betwee...
In the chemical industry, various grades of chemicals are available, each defined by its level of im...
FAQS about Di Ammonium Phosphate
Q.1) What is the HSN number of Di Ammonium Phosphate? Ans. HSN number of Di Ammonium Phosphate is 2...
The Essential Presence of LR ...
Sampan Enterprises: Your Trusted Source for Diverse LR Grade Chemicals Sampan Enterprises is a le...
What is Chelation Value?
What is a chelating agent? A chelating agent is a chemical compound that reacts with metal ions t...
Decoding Chemical Packaging: HDPE vs...
In the world of chemicals, how you package things matters a lot. It's like choosing the right ar...
Keeping it Safe: Chemical Storage and...
The chemical manufacturing industry is the backbone of countless products we use every day. But this...
FAQS about Sodium Oxalate
Q.1 What are the raw materials used in the production of Sodium Oxalate? Ans. Oxalic Acid and Caust...
Top 10 Questions You Can Ask Your Pot...
Selecting the right supplier for your Laboratory Reagent (LR) grade chemicals requirement is cruci...
What are Chelating Agents? Example |...
A chelating agent is a type of chemical compound that is capable of forming multiple bonds with a si...
Batch Manufacturing vs Continuous Ma...
The manufacturing processes used in the chemical industry have evolved over the years, with both bat...
KPI’s in Chemical Manufacturing Industry
KPI stands for Key Performance Indicators. KPI’s are a set of quantifiable measurements used t...
Re - Packers in Chemical Industry
Re-packers in the chemical industry are organizations who repackage and re-label chemicals from bulk...
FAQS about Oxalic Acid
Q.1) What Grades of purities of Oxalic Acid are available? Ans. Oxalic Acid is available in LR, AR ...
Di Sodium EDTA Alternative manuf...
Attention, valued customers and industry professionals! Are you tired of the skyrocketing prices of ...
FAQS about Ammonium Acetate
Q.1) What is the HSN number of ammonium acetate? Ans. HSN number of ammonium acetate is 29152990 ...
Understanding Mono Ammonium Phos...
Monoammonium phosphate (MAP) is a chemical compound commonly used in fire extinguishers as an exting...
Why is Sodium Oxalate used in Firewo...
Fireworks have been a part of celebrations and festivities for centuries, but their safety and quali...
FAQS about Ammonium Oxalate
Q.1) What are the raw materials used in the production of Ammonium Oxalate? Ans. Ammonia Gas and Ox...
Role of Di Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) i...
Di Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) is used in various industries such as Food, Beverage, Agriculture, Anima...
Ph | Definition, Range, Indicator, Ex...
What is Ph? Ph stands for potential of hydrogen and is a measure of concentration of hydrogen ions....
What is a CAS No?
What is CAS No.? CAS No. is a unique identification number for chemicals given by the Chemicals A...
What is Material Safety Data Sheet (M...
What is MSDS? MSDS stands for Material Safety Data Sheet. It is a safety document provided by chemi...
Molecular Weight of a Compound - Defi...
What is molecular weight of a compound? Molecular weight of a compound is the sum of atomic ...
Organic Compounds vs Inorganic Comp...
Chemical compounds are of two types Organic Compounds and Inorganic Compounds. The primary distincti...
Digital Marketing in the Chemical Indu...
Digital Marketing in simple words refers to the marketing of products that takes place through the i...
Breaking Down the Basics: Essential Ma...
Chemical manufacturing is an incredibly complex and diverse industry, requiring the use of a wide va...
Posted on:6/19/2023
Unveiling the 4 Key Segments of the Ch...
The chemical industry is a complex and ever-evolving sector that is essential to the modern world. F...
Posted on:6/12/2023
Strategies for Increasing Productivity i...
How to Increase Manufacturing Productivity? Manufacturing productivity refers to the maximum capa...
Posted on:5/29/2023
Essential Safety Measures for Chemical...
Chemical industry workers are exposed to a wide range of hazards in their daily work. These hazards ...
Posted on:5/14/2023
Challenges in Chemical Manufacturing ...
Any industry you operate in has its own challenges and difficulties. The chemical manufacturing indu...
Posted on:4/24/2023
Importance of Quality Assurance in Che...
Sampan Enterprises are manufacturers and suppliers of Pure Quality / LR Grade chemicals in India.We ...
Posted on:4/4/2023
Grades of Purity: Defining Standards in ...
Quality of product is one of the most important factors in the Chemical Industry. A vast range of...
Posted on:11/6/2022
Sampan Enterprises - Who We Are
Sampan Enterprises was incorporated in the Year 2006 with a vision of being a World Class Chemica...
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